Well, I'm at the IAGA conference at The Woodlands (Houston), TX, along with fellow MGA staff members Tom Ryan, WP (Warren) Ryan and Lisa Overom. The IAGA stands for the International Association of Golf Administrators. This annual conference is where staff from the local, state and regional associations gather to share information and have educational sessions that help us make our respective associations better.
As you might expect, I attend the sessions for Rules and Competitions Directors. During these meetings, all of my fellow Rules and Competitions people meet and share ideas about what we do so that all of us can improve. One idea that was shared dealt with getting the permanent trophies out so that more people can see them. The idea was to take the Amateur trophy (for example) and put it on display at the host site approximately one month before the Championship. This can help to raise awareness and excitement about the event coming to that club. Another idea I picked up was about a new database manager (CRM) that would be able to merge all of our existing databases into one that also talks to GHIN so that everyone in the office will be using the most up-to-date information.
The conference started yesterday (Sunday) and continues through Tuesday. We had a tournament today on the Tournament Course at The Woodlands (former home to the Shell Houston Open) to crown the Men's Gross and Net Champions and Women's Gross Champion. I shot a 1-over par 73 for 35 Stableford points and finished in a tie for first. Unfortunately, ties were broken by following the recommended USGA procedure when a scorecard playoff is used, leaving me saying "if only...". MGA E.D. Tom Ryan finished third one stroke (and one point) behind me. And, MGA Communications Director WP Ryan finished second in the Net Division, one point behind Florida State Golf Association E.D. (and IAGA President) Jim Demick. A pretty good showing for the MGA Staff!
I return home Wednesday - assuming American Airlines can get me there! After two delays totaling over 9 hours in getting to Dallas (Thursday) and Houston (Saturday), I'm not real comfortable in my schedule. Well, they can't get any worse.............or can they??
Until next time-
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
MGA Staff Actually Play Golf!

DATELINE: Tuesday, November 3, 2009, Edina, MN
As evidenced by these pictures and video acquired from an anonymous source, we have verifiable proof that some of the staff of the MGA actually do play golf. Caught playing at the local Edina CC were MGA Executive Director Tom Ryan, Communications Director WP Ryan (no relation), Regional Affairs Director Joel Comstock, Tournament Director Doug Hoffmann, Tournament Manager Adam Loch, PJ Boatwright Jr Intern Robbie Little, Meeting and Events Manager Anne Colehour and Administrative Assistant Karen Spruth.
Unfortunately, the group was forced to retreat to the safety of the fire-warmed Pub when a nasty, cold wind ladened with not-so-liquid precipitation hit the area while they were playing the 15th hole. Upon retrieving the scorecard from the trash receptical, it appears the team of WP Ryan and Hoffmann held a two-up lead over the team of Tom Ryan and Comstock after 15 holes. Hoffmann was leading the way with a two-over par score, yet Comstock was the only player to record birdies for the day (#4 & 8).
MGA Annual Meeting Day

Yesterday, the MGA officially closed it's year with the Annual Meeting and celebratory Awards Dinner. It is a day to review the MGA's business for the year, elect new board members, congratulate the Players of the Year and pay tribute to a person who has made a difference in golf in Minnesota. You can read the accomplishments of the players by visiting the MGA website at http://www.mngolf.org/.
Our Warren J. Rebholz Distinguished Service Award this year went to Jim Manthis. In talking to him about it, we decided that the only award he's lacking is the Nobel Peace Prize. However, having served successfully as a head professional for over 30 years like Jim, he should be deserving of that, too!
One of the traditions on this day is for the MGA Tournament & Rules Committee to meet for their fall session, and yesterday was no different. As you can see by the picture, we had a great turnout (17). Representatives from the MWGA, MWPGA and MPGA, as well as a varied group of people representing the MGA, all met to discuss the MGA tournament business, including the policy on DMDs (Distance Measuring Devices) and player points. The MGA is very fortunate to have such a committed group of individuals who all share a concern for the MGA.
Until next time-
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
"All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray...."
As you can see with the first picture, we've already had 3" of snow (Oct 12) that stopped my playing Hazeltine in the Trans-Miss Foursomes fundraiser. At least I was able to get out there a week later and enjoy it (from only 6700+yards). It was still in great shape. I'm excited as we will be using it for the US Open Local Qualifying next May. Darn the luck, I'll have to go out and check it out as well as set it up. I know......it's a tough job but someone has to do it!

Since my tournament season ended, my job has become an indoor job. I've spent a lot of time on securing sites for the future. While we have some great clubs willing to host, it still takes time. It's great to be able to give our players some of the best courses in MN for our events.
I'm off to Texas in a week for the IAGA Annual Conference at the Marriott Waterway in the Woodlands (Houston). My plans are for three rounds of golf on the trip - one in north Dallas while I'm visiting my mother, one at the Carlton Woods in Houston the day we arrive, and the third during the conference. I hope the weather is good as they may be the last golf of the year for me.
Until next time-
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday at the PGA Championship

I took the opporunity to go out and wander around Hazeltine National GC during yesterday's practice round. What a place! The picture is of #13, the expanded 248-yard, par 3 (that yesterday played to over 260!).
Not only is the golf course BIG - 7,674 yards - but so is the property. Amazingly, with all of the people there, it never seemed crowded, but Tiger had finished his practice round and press conference before I showed up.
They have the public (which I was yesterday as opposed to a volunteer on Saturday & Sunday) park at Canterbury Downs and then hop a school bus to the course. This is really convenient but takes 30 minutes from "door-to-door".
Once you enter the place, it will take you some time to get oriented with the layout. Of course, a stop at the Merchandise Tent (conveniently located at the main gate) is almost a must - but plan on spending some time in it to see everything under the sun PGA Championship!
I made a point to walk most of the holes without regard to seeing any particular players - just to walk the course. It's in fabulous condition, and the 5+" of rain they received last weekend didn't do anything to hurt the rough. The winning player will be high on the driving accuracy list at week's end. To that end, I believe the winning score will be in the 7 to 9 under par (279-281) range. Yes, it could be lower, but a mistake here or there will result in double bogeys quite easily.
Until next time-
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Summer Update - PGA Championship Week

If it's any indication of the golf season in MN, just look at the number of posts I've made! My intent was to post from tournaments, or at least once a week, to give updates on the goings on in MGA golf. Unfortunately, work gets in the way. Maybe I should consider this as part of work then I'll be able to stay on top of it better!

We did have our weather challenges. In fact, we suspended a total of four times. Monday was a perfect day and play went just as well. (See picture #1) Tuesday was the antithesis.
We stopped at 8:00 am due to heavy rains making the course unplayable. (See picture #2) This respite lasted two hours. Then we stopped again at 4:45 pm due to lightning. After a 1:45 delay, we resumed at 6:30 and played until we suspended for a third time at 8:30 for lack of daylight with almost 40 players still on the course. (See picture #3)
Wednesday, we returned to finish the second round at 8:00 am and finished at 10:15. After a quick cut and repair, the first groups teed off to start the third round at 11:30. Then, with storms bearing down on us, we suspended (for the fourth time) for another 1 hour, 42 minutes, but were able to finish with plenty of daylight left had we needed it for a playoff.
Congratulations to Champion Tom Hoge from Village Green GC in Moorhead. Tom, who plays for TCU, shot a 3-under par total of 213 to beat last year's Amateur runner-up Jon Sauer and this year's Players' Championship runner-up Travis Ross by two strokes.
Next on my plate, a few days at the PGA and then our MGA Four-Ball Championship at North Oaks Golf Club. I'll be the "Range Captain" (in charge of the other PGA member volunteers at the driving range) on Saturday & Sunday. Unfortunately, I won't have any pictures from this experience to show you, but I hope to get a few when I go out to Hazeltine today.
Until next time-
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mid-Season Form?
As evidenced by my lack of posts, I have been completely overwhelmed by the tournament season for 2009.
Since my last post three weeks ago, we have crowned our MGA Senior, Mid-Players and Players' champions - Gary Johnson, Troy Johnson and Donald Constable (respectively). In addition, Leigh Klasse and JT Johnson claimed their first MGA Mixed Team championship at Medina G&CC. And, Mike Barge and John Harris earned spots into the US Senior Open Championship.
In one week, the focus of golf in Minnesota will turn to "Championship Week" when the MGA Amateur Championship will be held at Mendakota Country Club (Mendota Heights) July 20-22 and the Minnesota State Open will be held at Hastings Country Club July 24-26. It makes for a long week for those players competing and making the cut in both.
New at the MGA web site are videos about our events. We have posted highlight videos of the three match play (Players') events, and there is a preview video of the Amateur. If you haven't seen them yet, check them out at the MGA web site. Thanks to Jake Lurie for his efforts!
One last thing about the Amateur, Golf Bound is previewing the State Am tonight at 11:05 on KARE 11.
Finally, the state is starting to feel the excitement of the impending PGA Championship. True, we won't be witnesses to history in the pursuit of the modern Grand Slam, but it still will make for great drama. It appears we can expect Tiger to be a factor as he was in 2002. Will Rich Beem repeat? I doubt it, but there are many capable players (i.e. Angel Cabrera or Lucas Glover) to step up if Tiger and the others don't bring their best to Hazeltine.
The second half of the season looks full with the many remaining championships and USGA qualifiers, so there should be many opportunities for great golf.
Until next time-
Since my last post three weeks ago, we have crowned our MGA Senior, Mid-Players and Players' champions - Gary Johnson, Troy Johnson and Donald Constable (respectively). In addition, Leigh Klasse and JT Johnson claimed their first MGA Mixed Team championship at Medina G&CC. And, Mike Barge and John Harris earned spots into the US Senior Open Championship.
In one week, the focus of golf in Minnesota will turn to "Championship Week" when the MGA Amateur Championship will be held at Mendakota Country Club (Mendota Heights) July 20-22 and the Minnesota State Open will be held at Hastings Country Club July 24-26. It makes for a long week for those players competing and making the cut in both.
New at the MGA web site are videos about our events. We have posted highlight videos of the three match play (Players') events, and there is a preview video of the Amateur. If you haven't seen them yet, check them out at the MGA web site. Thanks to Jake Lurie for his efforts!
One last thing about the Amateur, Golf Bound is previewing the State Am tonight at 11:05 on KARE 11.
Finally, the state is starting to feel the excitement of the impending PGA Championship. True, we won't be witnesses to history in the pursuit of the modern Grand Slam, but it still will make for great drama. It appears we can expect Tiger to be a factor as he was in 2002. Will Rich Beem repeat? I doubt it, but there are many capable players (i.e. Angel Cabrera or Lucas Glover) to step up if Tiger and the others don't bring their best to Hazeltine.
The second half of the season looks full with the many remaining championships and USGA qualifiers, so there should be many opportunities for great golf.
Until next time-
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The First Rain Delay of the Tournament Season
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
It is 7:04 pm and I'm at the Chaska Town Course conducting the 10th MGA Senior Players' and 3rd MGA Mid-Players' Championships. After nearly two days of play, we had only two matches left on the course when lightning arrived overhead causing a 3 1/2 hour delay. Of the two matches left, one finished when a player conceded on the 14th hole when four holes down. However, the other match was "all square" (tied) on the 13th green; so we waited.
The Championship matches for each event are scheduled in the morning, so it is important that we attempt to conclude this match today. And, the forecast for the overnight and morning has scattered showers; even more reason to finish this match today. We don't need to finish this match as well as get in the other two matches with the forecast.
The players - Adam Dooley and Troy Johnson - were terrific through the delay. They understood the need to finish today and the potentially sloppy conditions they will see when going back out. And, just like many "mid-players" (players ages 30 & over), they don't need all of the warm up time other players might claim they need. When asked if they wanted some time, they looked at each other and both said, "No, I'm ready!" That made getting them out much easier.
You can follow their match, as well as both tournaments, at www.mngolf.org.
Until next time-
It is 7:04 pm and I'm at the Chaska Town Course conducting the 10th MGA Senior Players' and 3rd MGA Mid-Players' Championships. After nearly two days of play, we had only two matches left on the course when lightning arrived overhead causing a 3 1/2 hour delay. Of the two matches left, one finished when a player conceded on the 14th hole when four holes down. However, the other match was "all square" (tied) on the 13th green; so we waited.
The Championship matches for each event are scheduled in the morning, so it is important that we attempt to conclude this match today. And, the forecast for the overnight and morning has scattered showers; even more reason to finish this match today. We don't need to finish this match as well as get in the other two matches with the forecast.
The players - Adam Dooley and Troy Johnson - were terrific through the delay. They understood the need to finish today and the potentially sloppy conditions they will see when going back out. And, just like many "mid-players" (players ages 30 & over), they don't need all of the warm up time other players might claim they need. When asked if they wanted some time, they looked at each other and both said, "No, I'm ready!" That made getting them out much easier.
You can follow their match, as well as both tournaments, at www.mngolf.org.
Until next time-
Monday, June 8, 2009
Catching Up on the Past
Well, it's been nearly two months since I last posted anything - an indication the golf season, and MGA Tournament Season, has officially started. Since my last post, the following have happened:
--I conducted two US Open Local Qualifying events. The first, Tuesday May 12 at Edinburgh USA (Brooklyn Park), saw chilly and quite windy conditions. Host pro Don Berry, along with former PGA TOUR player Mario Tiziani and amateur Brian Hills, claimed the three spots.
--Notice I said "quite windy," although at the time it seemed extremely windy. That was, until the next US Open Qualifying took place the following Monday, May 18, at Somerby GC (Byron). I am convinced the combination of me at Somerby creates wind as I have never conducted an event down there when the wind is less than 20-25 mph. On this day, 20 mph would have been tame. While I didn't have an anemometer, I calculated some gusts to be over 40. Needless to say, scoring was difficult. Former MGA Player of the Year and Gopher Clayton Rask lead the way with a solid 1-over par 73. Brett Swedberg, another former Gopher, also made it but with a flair for the dramatic. Turning in 7-over 43, Brett played the last nine in 3-under par for a 76.
--The next day, 33rd MGA/PGA Cup Matches took place at Bent Creek Golf Club. At the midway point, the Amateurs held a slim 10-9 lead. Unfortunately, they (we) would win only two more points of the remaining 21 to lose convincingly 28-12. Congratulations to Darren DeYoung and Team PGA for their victory! Later that day, the weather became as hot as the PGA team as it hit 98*.
--Just last week, I conducted the MGA Women's Mid-Amateur at Mankato Golf Club. Thanks to Host Professional Mike Zinni and his great staff for an outstanding two days. The women truly enjoyed it. Congratulations to Alison Hurley on her one-stroke victory!
--I, too, got into the tournament action - well, sort of. I took a team out west to the southwest Minnesota plains and the Dacotah Ridge Invitational Pro-Am. I personally feel Dacotah Ridge is one of the best courses in Minnesota. It will host the 107th MGA Amateur Championship in 2010. The aforementioned wind returned with vengeance and nothing to stop it during the first day. Sustained winds of 30+ and gusts made standing still difficult not to mention hitting a golf ball. After two days, at least I can say my team was still talking about returning with me next year. Despite my "yips", I must have done something right.
Upcoming Events:
--Tapemark Pro-Am at Southview CC, June 12-14. Follow me and your other favorite golfers at http://www.proam.mn/.
--MGA Senior & Mid-Players' Championships, Chaska Town Course, June 15-17, http://www.mngolf.org/.
--MGA Players' Championship, Oak Ridge Country Club, June 22-24, http://www.mngolf.org/.
Until next time-
--I conducted two US Open Local Qualifying events. The first, Tuesday May 12 at Edinburgh USA (Brooklyn Park), saw chilly and quite windy conditions. Host pro Don Berry, along with former PGA TOUR player Mario Tiziani and amateur Brian Hills, claimed the three spots.
--Notice I said "quite windy," although at the time it seemed extremely windy. That was, until the next US Open Qualifying took place the following Monday, May 18, at Somerby GC (Byron). I am convinced the combination of me at Somerby creates wind as I have never conducted an event down there when the wind is less than 20-25 mph. On this day, 20 mph would have been tame. While I didn't have an anemometer, I calculated some gusts to be over 40. Needless to say, scoring was difficult. Former MGA Player of the Year and Gopher Clayton Rask lead the way with a solid 1-over par 73. Brett Swedberg, another former Gopher, also made it but with a flair for the dramatic. Turning in 7-over 43, Brett played the last nine in 3-under par for a 76.
--The next day, 33rd MGA/PGA Cup Matches took place at Bent Creek Golf Club. At the midway point, the Amateurs held a slim 10-9 lead. Unfortunately, they (we) would win only two more points of the remaining 21 to lose convincingly 28-12. Congratulations to Darren DeYoung and Team PGA for their victory! Later that day, the weather became as hot as the PGA team as it hit 98*.
--Just last week, I conducted the MGA Women's Mid-Amateur at Mankato Golf Club. Thanks to Host Professional Mike Zinni and his great staff for an outstanding two days. The women truly enjoyed it. Congratulations to Alison Hurley on her one-stroke victory!
--I, too, got into the tournament action - well, sort of. I took a team out west to the southwest Minnesota plains and the Dacotah Ridge Invitational Pro-Am. I personally feel Dacotah Ridge is one of the best courses in Minnesota. It will host the 107th MGA Amateur Championship in 2010. The aforementioned wind returned with vengeance and nothing to stop it during the first day. Sustained winds of 30+ and gusts made standing still difficult not to mention hitting a golf ball. After two days, at least I can say my team was still talking about returning with me next year. Despite my "yips", I must have done something right.
Upcoming Events:
--Tapemark Pro-Am at Southview CC, June 12-14. Follow me and your other favorite golfers at http://www.proam.mn/.
--MGA Senior & Mid-Players' Championships, Chaska Town Course, June 15-17, http://www.mngolf.org/.
--MGA Players' Championship, Oak Ridge Country Club, June 22-24, http://www.mngolf.org/.
Until next time-
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
2009 MGA Two-Day Rules Workshop @ Minnesota Valley CC

Morning, Day 2
Reed is teaching Rules 1, 13 & 15 as I write. The workshop has gone really well thus far, aside from the fact that the outdoor session was cancelled due to wind (20-30) and temperatures. While it wasn't truly cold, when combined with the wind, it would have been uncomfortable. No problem, right? Well, I had a perfect plan - to show the R&A DVD entitled "Golf Rules in Action." Unfortunately, I had some technical difficulties that resulted in few people actually seeing it and my ending the day early.
It's been great having Reed (Mackenzie) and his extensive knowledge as my co-instructor. He brings such a wealth of knowledge and experience to the workshop. It truly benefits the 31 students attending. Hopefully, this will inspire these to continue their study of the Rules and get them ready to officiate their respective events.
I have one more seminar to conduct - "The Rules of Golf for Tournament Players" - and then comes our MGA Spring Meeting at Medina on May 4 and then..........tournament season!!
Until next time -
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Masters, MGA Rules Workshops, Handicap Season & the TeeMaster Golf Show!
It's amazing what five weeks will do to the spirit! In my last post - back on March 10 - I was lamenting the snow storm that was approaching yet hopeful of a good start to the 2009 golf season. It appears I got my wish.
We are basking in the glory of 70* temperatures for the second day in a row in over six months, and virtually all courses in and around the Twin Cities are open. Unfortunately, northern Minnesota saw 10" or more of snow as recent as early last week, so they may be a little behind, but that isn't tempering the enthusiasm of golfers here.
The Masters, another one of those "unofficial" signs that golf season is here, lived up to the hype. We had many early rounds in the 60s, including Anthony Kim recording an amazing 11 birdies during Round 2, and had many marquee players still in the mix on Sunday morning. Even starting seven strokes back, Phil and Tiger got everyone excited with their magnificent play over the first 11 holes. Unfortunately, their respective trains got derailed (Phil) or slowed (Tiger), and they were never factors the back nine. In the end, by virtue of a playoff filled with some unexpected heros, Angel Cabrera outlasted Kenny Perry and Chad Campbell.
Another sign that the tournaments are about to start is the fact that my rules workshops are almost over. The MGA Two-Day Rules & Officiating Workshop is next Tuesday & Wednesday at Minnesota Valley CC in Bloomington. I am fortunate to have former MGA & USGA President Reed Mackenzie as my co-instructor. This workshop is always fun and educational for me, even as an instructor. It also helps me to get my "rules mind" back - just in time for tournament season.
Another milestone - well, maybe not "milestone" but certainly a date to note - occurred this past Wednesday. April 15 marks the beginning of the handicap season in Minnesota. You should be posting your rounds from now until October 15. Make sure you sign up for e-Revisions, too!
Lastly, I will be a part of the TeeMaster Golf (radio) Show and the Golf Bound (TV) Show again this year. For the radio show, there is time and day change to the program. It will be on at 6:30-7:00 am Sunday mornings on "the talk station AM1500 KSTP." Listen in and win valuable prizes by answering the trivia question. If you're not within earshot of a radio that can pick up AM1500, listen on-line!
Golf Bound will again aire on KARE 11, but this year it moves up 30 minutes to 11:05 pm Sunday nights. I will be providing rules segments on most shows.
It is shaping up to be another great year. I'm even hoping to get out a little more myself. See you on the links!
We are basking in the glory of 70* temperatures for the second day in a row in over six months, and virtually all courses in and around the Twin Cities are open. Unfortunately, northern Minnesota saw 10" or more of snow as recent as early last week, so they may be a little behind, but that isn't tempering the enthusiasm of golfers here.
The Masters, another one of those "unofficial" signs that golf season is here, lived up to the hype. We had many early rounds in the 60s, including Anthony Kim recording an amazing 11 birdies during Round 2, and had many marquee players still in the mix on Sunday morning. Even starting seven strokes back, Phil and Tiger got everyone excited with their magnificent play over the first 11 holes. Unfortunately, their respective trains got derailed (Phil) or slowed (Tiger), and they were never factors the back nine. In the end, by virtue of a playoff filled with some unexpected heros, Angel Cabrera outlasted Kenny Perry and Chad Campbell.
Another sign that the tournaments are about to start is the fact that my rules workshops are almost over. The MGA Two-Day Rules & Officiating Workshop is next Tuesday & Wednesday at Minnesota Valley CC in Bloomington. I am fortunate to have former MGA & USGA President Reed Mackenzie as my co-instructor. This workshop is always fun and educational for me, even as an instructor. It also helps me to get my "rules mind" back - just in time for tournament season.
Another milestone - well, maybe not "milestone" but certainly a date to note - occurred this past Wednesday. April 15 marks the beginning of the handicap season in Minnesota. You should be posting your rounds from now until October 15. Make sure you sign up for e-Revisions, too!
Lastly, I will be a part of the TeeMaster Golf (radio) Show and the Golf Bound (TV) Show again this year. For the radio show, there is time and day change to the program. It will be on at 6:30-7:00 am Sunday mornings on "the talk station AM1500 KSTP." Listen in and win valuable prizes by answering the trivia question. If you're not within earshot of a radio that can pick up AM1500, listen on-line!
Golf Bound will again aire on KARE 11, but this year it moves up 30 minutes to 11:05 pm Sunday nights. I will be providing rules segments on most shows.
It is shaping up to be another great year. I'm even hoping to get out a little more myself. See you on the links!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Late-Winter Golfer's Lament
Well, here it is, March 10, and I'm watching it snow from my office at the MGA. Thank goodness (at least for us here in the TC) the bulk of this storm seems to be passing to the north, leaving little white stuff on the ground. This is important so this weekend's expected 40* heatwave will continue to melt the piles of snow rather than new snow.
In previous writings, I have talked about watching golfers walking around beautifully green courses in short-sleeved shirts enjoying sunshine and warm breezes and living vicariously through the images. It seems many others are sharing my sentiments. In fact, just today Peter Smith, a commentator on KNOW 91.1 (Minnesota Public Radio) shared his feelings on being a Minnesota golfer anxiously awaiting another golf season. Check it out by clicking here.
We can all take heart that Tiger returns this weekend at Doral for the CA Championship. Combining the two - golf course and WGC event - usually means there's a Tiger on the loose. Let's hope for TV and those of us who care about golf that this comes true. Imagine the excitement of Tiger returning to Augusta already having won in his return from surgery.
I do know the season is coming. In today's world, that seems to be the only thing secure.
Until next time-
In previous writings, I have talked about watching golfers walking around beautifully green courses in short-sleeved shirts enjoying sunshine and warm breezes and living vicariously through the images. It seems many others are sharing my sentiments. In fact, just today Peter Smith, a commentator on KNOW 91.1 (Minnesota Public Radio) shared his feelings on being a Minnesota golfer anxiously awaiting another golf season. Check it out by clicking here.
We can all take heart that Tiger returns this weekend at Doral for the CA Championship. Combining the two - golf course and WGC event - usually means there's a Tiger on the loose. Let's hope for TV and those of us who care about golf that this comes true. Imagine the excitement of Tiger returning to Augusta already having won in his return from surgery.
I do know the season is coming. In today's world, that seems to be the only thing secure.
Until next time-
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
February Wrap-Up

Well, February's gone, the Great Minnesota Golf Show is over and the TOUR is moving east to Florida. And we all know what comes after the Florida "swing" -- the MASTERS!!
The Golf Show proved rather interesting this year. It was very apparent the economy had an impact. The number of exhibitors was down and noticeably missing were the out-of-state destinations such as Arizona (Tucson/Phoenix), Mesquite NV, and the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail in Alabama. Yet, the traffic seemed to be good - at least while I was there.
One of the more popular exhibits was the Wanamaker Trophy, given to the victor of the PGA Championship. You can see above that I've added some shots of past champions with the trophy. Of course, Minnesota and Hazeltine National GC serve host for the second time in eight years. Everyone in Minnesota and the upper five state region who has any interest in golf MUST make plans to check out the action in person. For more information, check out the 2009 PGA Championship website.
Geoff Ogilvy made winning the Accenture Match Play about as easy as his demeanor last week. He played tremendous golf - not making a bogey in his last 57 holes - and ending up 12 under in the Championship Match versus Paul Casey. As Tom Ryan (ED for the MGA) commented to me, "How does he ever lose with that swing?"
Tiger made a somewhat successful start (except for those of you who picked him in your pool). For the most part, he looked like Tiger. I stand by my prediction in a previous posting that he will win at least once this year - and it will be a major. It's also been fun seeing the different commercials heralding his return, specifically the Nike and PGA TOUR ads.
And lastly, the TOUR moves to Florida for the East Coast segment that unofficially concludes at Augusta for The Masters. If you'd like to prepare your game for Augusta, you should check out Digital Links, a "virtual golf" facility in Hastings. It has two state-of-the-art simulators, real putting, and best of all - you can play Augusta National Golf Club!!!
A friend and I went over there a couple of weeks ago to try it out. The graphics are superior to many of the other simulators I have experienced and the opportunity to putt to a hole is a nice feature. Be careful, though, the "green" stimps to at least a 15!! Thank goodness there are no downhill putts. No need to bring your EMD (rangefinder), it is built into the system. Best of all, the azaleas are all in bloom!
Golf will be here soon, and along with it comes the need to know the Rules. If you haven't attended a rules clinic recently (or ever), you should think about checking out one of mine. Visit the MGA web site for more details. Also, if you are on Facebook, sign up to be a member of the "Fans of Minnesota Golf" group.
Until next time-
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Winter Reading, the Rules & Virtual Golf
Watching the snow quickly melt due to the recent rains leads one to hope for an early Spring; yet, it is Minnesota and after the past few years, we can only hope it's nice by the end of May!
In my last post, I talked about our outgoing and incoming P.J. Boatwright, Jr Interns - Alisha Thornell and Robbie Little (respectively). It just so happened that the USGA offered a great article about the Intern Program at about the same time. Here's a link to it: http://www.usga.org/news/2009/january/BoatwrightFeature.html. I'm sure you will find it interesting to see how the program all got started.
Another bit of Rules trivia was highlighted in Wendy Uzelac's piece currently on the USGA website. (Wendy is the author of the I Hate to Slice blog) It talks about "the Ruling" most talked about - Tiger's Rock. Amazingly, it has been 10 years since this happened. And most interesting is the fact that the ruling was correct then and nothing has changed in the Rules that would make it any different now. However, Wendy mentions that the rock now has a plaque on it commemorating its place in (golfing) history. Under the Rules, the rock still remains a loose impediment while the plaque becomes an "immovable obstruction." So if you find your swing hitting the plaque, you don't need ask your friends to help you move the rock to get relief.
Lastly, I had the opportunity this past Sunday to join some friends in "virtual golf." "Virtual golf" is played in a simulator. There are many facilities within the Twin Cities area with simulators, but the one we use is at A Lot of Green Golf located within the Soccer Blast complex in Burnsville. While it is no replacement for the real thing, it was fun to be able to hit real golf balls with your own clubs to real targets in a (semi-) competitive environment. If you go to any simulator, don't get overly concerned with the results of your shots, especially the putting, but enjoy the experience. It's a good warm up to the Spring.
Next up - the Great Minnesota Golf Show.
Until next time-
In my last post, I talked about our outgoing and incoming P.J. Boatwright, Jr Interns - Alisha Thornell and Robbie Little (respectively). It just so happened that the USGA offered a great article about the Intern Program at about the same time. Here's a link to it: http://www.usga.org/news/2009/january/BoatwrightFeature.html. I'm sure you will find it interesting to see how the program all got started.
Another bit of Rules trivia was highlighted in Wendy Uzelac's piece currently on the USGA website. (Wendy is the author of the I Hate to Slice blog) It talks about "the Ruling" most talked about - Tiger's Rock. Amazingly, it has been 10 years since this happened. And most interesting is the fact that the ruling was correct then and nothing has changed in the Rules that would make it any different now. However, Wendy mentions that the rock now has a plaque on it commemorating its place in (golfing) history. Under the Rules, the rock still remains a loose impediment while the plaque becomes an "immovable obstruction." So if you find your swing hitting the plaque, you don't need ask your friends to help you move the rock to get relief.
Lastly, I had the opportunity this past Sunday to join some friends in "virtual golf." "Virtual golf" is played in a simulator. There are many facilities within the Twin Cities area with simulators, but the one we use is at A Lot of Green Golf located within the Soccer Blast complex in Burnsville. While it is no replacement for the real thing, it was fun to be able to hit real golf balls with your own clubs to real targets in a (semi-) competitive environment. If you go to any simulator, don't get overly concerned with the results of your shots, especially the putting, but enjoy the experience. It's a good warm up to the Spring.
Next up - the Great Minnesota Golf Show.
Until next time-
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Transitions - 2009
Inauguration Day, 2009
In keeping with the buzz across the country about Mr. Obama becoming President, so to is the MGA with the transition of power as Robbie Little comes in as the newest USGA P.J. Boatwright, Jr. Intern. Robbie joins us as a last-semester Senior in the Sports Management Program at the University of Minnesota. He is a 2005 graduate of Edina HS, a recreational golfer and also enjoys baseball and hockey. In fact, he coached baseball three years for 7-9 year old kids and currently serves as a hockey instructor.
Of course, Robbie's arrival meant the departure of Alisha Thornell, the 2008 USGA Boatwright Intern. Adam and I, as well as the entire MGA staff, are very appreciative of Alisha for her efforts and professionalism throughout last year. We wish her the very best!
Until next time-
Friday, January 9, 2009
Golf is Back!!

For those of us here in the frozen North, this week is something we all long for - the beginning of the golf season. True, it's not us playing, but watching the likes of Anthony, Davis, Ernie, and Camilo in Hawaii give us hope that our season will (eventually) be here. Those poor people who live in Florida and Arizona cannot appreciate this moment!
As a teenager growing up in East Texas, I anxiously awaited the ABC broadcast from Waialae CC with Chris Schenkel and Byron Nelson every January. Chris, Byron and the other announcers were my friends and how I missed hearing them the previous three months. Even in Texas, football season was simply something to keep me occupied until golf season came around. Of course, I had the single (45 record) of Barry White's Love Theme. I used to sit in the dark and play that over and over, imagining my name being on the leaderboard as the telecast came on the air. (Unfortunately, this has yet to come to pass.)
Here at the MGA, things are starting to take on a little more importance. No longer is it "next year." The need to get projects done have higher priority with deadlines looming. One of the those projects is an area on our website designed for our volunteers - where they can sign up to work tournaments and download all of the relevant information for the events they are scheduled to work. Remember to check the website often to stay up with the MGA.
I look forward to spending more time with you via this blog this year. I'll try to keep you informed, and entertained, with my writings. Pass it along if you know someone who would be interested in getting it.
Until next time -
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