Yesterday, the MGA officially closed it's year with the Annual Meeting and celebratory Awards Dinner. It is a day to review the MGA's business for the year, elect new board members, congratulate the Players of the Year and pay tribute to a person who has made a difference in golf in Minnesota. You can read the accomplishments of the players by visiting the MGA website at http://www.mngolf.org/.
Our Warren J. Rebholz Distinguished Service Award this year went to Jim Manthis. In talking to him about it, we decided that the only award he's lacking is the Nobel Peace Prize. However, having served successfully as a head professional for over 30 years like Jim, he should be deserving of that, too!
One of the traditions on this day is for the MGA Tournament & Rules Committee to meet for their fall session, and yesterday was no different. As you can see by the picture, we had a great turnout (17). Representatives from the MWGA, MWPGA and MPGA, as well as a varied group of people representing the MGA, all met to discuss the MGA tournament business, including the policy on DMDs (Distance Measuring Devices) and player points. The MGA is very fortunate to have such a committed group of individuals who all share a concern for the MGA.
Until next time-