If it's any indication of the golf season in MN, just look at the number of posts I've made! My intent was to post from tournaments, or at least once a week, to give updates on the goings on in MGA golf. Unfortunately, work gets in the way. Maybe I should consider this as part of work then I'll be able to stay on top of it better!

We did have our weather challenges. In fact, we suspended a total of four times. Monday was a perfect day and play went just as well. (See picture #1) Tuesday was the antithesis.
We stopped at 8:00 am due to heavy rains making the course unplayable. (See picture #2) This respite lasted two hours. Then we stopped again at 4:45 pm due to lightning. After a 1:45 delay, we resumed at 6:30 and played until we suspended for a third time at 8:30 for lack of daylight with almost 40 players still on the course. (See picture #3)
Wednesday, we returned to finish the second round at 8:00 am and finished at 10:15. After a quick cut and repair, the first groups teed off to start the third round at 11:30. Then, with storms bearing down on us, we suspended (for the fourth time) for another 1 hour, 42 minutes, but were able to finish with plenty of daylight left had we needed it for a playoff.
Congratulations to Champion Tom Hoge from Village Green GC in Moorhead. Tom, who plays for TCU, shot a 3-under par total of 213 to beat last year's Amateur runner-up Jon Sauer and this year's Players' Championship runner-up Travis Ross by two strokes.
Next on my plate, a few days at the PGA and then our MGA Four-Ball Championship at North Oaks Golf Club. I'll be the "Range Captain" (in charge of the other PGA member volunteers at the driving range) on Saturday & Sunday. Unfortunately, I won't have any pictures from this experience to show you, but I hope to get a few when I go out to Hazeltine today.
Until next time-