This time of year - the vast golf-less wasteland between Thanksgiving and Christmas (anybody notice that there wasn't a Skins Game this year?) - can be the most challenging for me. It's not like I don't have anything to do but finding the initiative to do it can be the problem. Even this year as we are developing a volunteer area to our website and adopting a new, online entry procedure (both items of keen interest), keeping my focus has required some creative efforts.
For example, I find myself far more likely to read one (or more) of the golf magazines that get passed around the office monthly. Typically, I simply initial the sign-off sheet pasted to the front of each one to signify that I have had the opportunity to see it. Now, I may read virtually every article on every page, seaching for that something that keeps me going.
Today, I spied a book that piqued my interest, Beyond the Score: Relationship Keys for Golf and Life by Jim Sheard, PhD. The book focuses on what could best be summarized by two cliches, "Don't miss the forest for the trees" and "Don't forget to stop and smell the roses". Golf gives us many opportunities "beyond the score" to measure our golf games, and a round in particular, for success. And, Beyond the Score reminds us of keys that we should always remember in relationships, whether they be with golf partners, life partners, or new friends.
Expectedly, I found the sections entitled "Act with Integrity" and "Demonstrate Respect" particularly relevant. There are some quotes that attracted my attention, and they are just as applicable in my job as well as life.
"Following the rules is an indicator of a person's integrity."
"Knowing and following rules enhances trust in relationships, sports and life."
"Exceed Expectations; When you exceed expectations, you stand out from others and establish integrity and trust."
"Byron (Nelson) gave me his most enduring advice: It's not how (well) you play, it's how you conduct yourself and how you treat people." (From Tom Watson)
My Christmas Wish for 2010? To be ever mindful of the (potential) impact I have on the lives of others and to give more to them than I receive in return.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! See you in 2011-