Spring Hill Golf Club, Wayzata, MN
Today is Day 1 of the 2010 Gopher Invitational at Spring Hill GC. It is an absolutely perfect day - sunny, temps in the mid 70s, light winds. With players from 11 teams and 5 individuals playing a 36-hole marathon (that will take over 10 hours to complete), it is a good thing the weather is so benign!
We had an interesting start to the day. Gopher Jon Trasamar, starting on the 18th hole, hit his tee shot into the hole -- on the 16th hole!! What do the Rules say about this? Actually, Decision 16/7 comes the closest to this situation.
This decision has two parts. The first permits the Committee to cut two holes on each green for an 18 hole competition on a 9 hole course. The second part of the decision (the part most relevant to our ruling) classifies the status of the "other" hole as a hole made by a greenkeeper, or in other words, ground under repair. This takes us to Rule 25-1 for relief.
Under Rule 25-1, the player is to determine the "nearest point of relief" and then drop the ball within one club-length of that point. However, this point will be on the 16th putting green. Rule 25-3 (Wrong Putting Green), states that a player must take relief for a ball coming to rest on the wrong putting green. In this case, the player must again determine the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole, and drop within one club-length of that spot.
That is the beauty of the Rules -- as soon as you think you have seen everything, something new comes up.
Until next time-