Day 2: Today was the long day as expected. We covered both Rules 20 and 13 - two of the longest to teach and most challenging to grasp.
It was interesting to see that the USGA has moved up Rule 20 so that it is taught prior to virtually every other rule that deals with actually playing the game. Why? The reason I believe is for the reason that I have been using in the teaching of my workshops...the Game of Golf is extremely simple if the player touches the ball only to tee it up and not again until it is picked out of the hole. Once the ball gets in the player's hand, it becomes far more complicated. Rule 20 tells us how to get the ball back onto the course and to keep playing. No matter how many times I hear this Rule taught, even having taught it many times myself, it is worthwhile as it is SO important.
Tomorrow is a shift from past workshops. It used to be that we would go for an outdoor session after lunch; however, that has been eliminated - for what reasons I am not sure. It was always one of the best, and most enjoyable, parts to a workshop. Yet, we will finish up with the basic rules and deal with the "boutique" rules (those that deal with the more unique form of play).
Tonight is a night of discussion and study for Adam, Max and me. Fun, eh??
Until later-