It is now three days since the USGA/PGA Rules Workshop concluded, and I finally have time to summarize the trip, albeit on a Friday night (some exciting social life, eh?).
I have returned to "normal" and have adequately decompressed after another mind challenging three days of study followed by three and a half hours of a "reverse flow of information" exercise (a.k.a. the RULES TEST) on Tuesday. This was my 10th workshop since 1990, my 9th since 1995 and the 9th time I have taken the test. Yet, I still had those anxiety butterflies prior to starting the test.
Having attended so many workshops, it is rare that I come away having learned any big, major concepts - especially during a non-Rules change year, but I must admit that I did learn some new things. For example, I had confirmed to me that if a player damages a club in the normal course of play (such as denting the shaft), he may use the club for the remainder of that round (presuming it is still usable) but it becomes non-conforming for subsequent rounds. And, should he use that club in a subsequent round, he is disqualified.
Also, if two players start a singles match (using handicaps), and both players overstate their handicaps and that affects the number of strokes to be given, then both players will be disqualified. There were a few others, but I'll save you the trouble. If you would like to know more, make plans to attend one of my Rules Workshops in April. (For more information, click here.)
How did I do on the test, you ask? My effort to make that elusive perfect score once again slipped through my hands. Despite answering the first 74 questions correctly, I missed both 75 & 95 to score a 98. My best (two years ago) was a 99, and this is my third 98. Unfortunately, I didn't stay for the review, so I don't know exactly what I missed. I just hope I don't have one of my players ask me for a ruling in either of the two situations! However, all is not lost - I figure this justifies my going to another workshop in two years (a rules change year) in a warm climate during the middle of winter. Maybe I shouldn't make that 100 after all......
Until next time-