Well, in a span of only two months since I last posted, we have completed a tournament season, celebrated Columbus Day and Halloween, endured a cold, wet Tournament Volunteer Appreciation Day (which in no way reflected the appreciation the MGA and I have for our volunteers), said good-bye to summer (and fall, it seems) and are on the doorstep of the holiday season. (In the spirit of avoiding conflict, aside from this sentence, I am not going to mention anything about the election other than "Boy, am I glad it's over!!!")
One of my favorite TV shows of all time, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, airs tomorrow night (8/7c) on ABC. Seems a fitting end to Thanksgiving Day - right up there with other Turkey Day traditions like the Macy's Parade and Dallas Cowboys games. (In respect to any Lions fans out there, I elected NOT to dwell on them.) Oh, lest I forget, the Skins Game weekend tradition to satisfy us golfers.
Speaking of golf, we came to a very abrupt end to the fall season in Minnesota. Too bad, as it is often the best time to play and enjoy the scenery, great conditions, crisp days. Likewise, things in the MGA office are slowing down. Since my last post, I have been busy with securing golf courses for upcoming MGA championships and USGA qualifying events. I try to work 3-5 years out, but it looks as though the MGA Amateur is set through 2015!! To view the future MGA schedule, click here. You should check back periodically as I update the schedule whenever I get a commitment from our great MGA Member Clubs.
Here's wishing each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
Check back in December, I may actually write another post!
Until then-