With the first of two US Open Qualifying events only 9 days away, I am in the "final preparation" mode. I have completed my initial "site visits," completed the starting times, Pace of Play, Notice to Competitors and volunteer work assignments. The only things left to do are to print the scorecards, finalize the Local Rules and set up the golf course.
This year, 8,390 players entered the US Open nationally. Of those, 58 are exempt into the Championship while the other 8,332 must qualify. There are over 100 "Local" qualifying sites, including the two sites in Minnesota: The Links at Northfork and TPC Twin Cities. Both sites should prove to be challenging and the better players should advance to the Sectional qualifying round.
Northfork will be playing at 6,988 yards, par 72. Thirty-seven players are vying for 3 spots. The key to the day will be the weather, and more specifically, the wind. If the wind is blowing, especially from the west or northwest, the course will play very difficult. However, if the wind is from the east or southeast, or there is no wind, the players will have an easier time. Thus, it will be up to me to create a set-up appropriate for determining the best players to advance.
TPC will be playing at 7,164 yards, par 72, and has seventy-three players going for five spots. It, too, can be influenced by the wind, but there is more trouble waiting to grab that errant shot. In addition to hosting the 3M Championship, the TPC has hosted a previous US Open Qualifying as well as the 2006 MGA Players' Championship. Again, the set-up will require a player to manage his game throughout the entire round in order to be successful.
So, does that mean I will make each course ridiculously difficult? No, but if players think my set-up is too hard, what do they expect to find if they successfully advance to Torrey Pines? I like to make sure players are rewarded for quality shots and struggle to make par for poor ones. The short game becomes extremely important when playing in an event like the US Open - or one of my US Open Local qualifiers.
You can follow the action on-line at the MGA web site. There you can view the list of players, starting times, and live scoring as the scores are returned. We will be providing "live" scoring for many of our events this year, so make sure you visit often during the tournament season!
And, finally, since I am talking about the US Open, I would be remiss if I didn't recommend you visit the new US Open web site. It has been completely redone and will be fabulous for following your favorite players and the entire tournament. It will be tough to keep the avid golfer's attention on work that Thursday and Friday!
On a personal note, I want to congratulate my son Zach on his induction into the National Honor Society at Rosemount High School. Way to go, Zach!
Until next time-