While the weather here in Minnesota might not seem to indicate the golf season is just around the corner, I can surely attest to that fact. It is "Rules of Golf Seminar Season!"
Just this week alone, I conducted a seminar for the Dakota's Chapter of the Minnesota Section PGA in Fargo (Monday) and a seminar for the MSHSL (Minnesota State High School League) in conjunction with the Sunshine Clinic at Hopkins HS yesterday (see picture). In addition, I have conducted clinics for the University of Minnesota Women's & Men's golf teams, for the Brad James/UM High School Golf Coaches Clinic and been on the radio with the Common Man on KFAN (see last post). By May 1, I will have conducted over 15 clinics, seminars and workshops for over 500 people!!
If you have never attended a seminar or workshop previously but play golf, I would strongly encourage you to find one to attend. One that you might want to consider is our "The Rules of Golf for Tournament Players" workshop at Edina CC on May 1. It will be a terrific 4 hours focusing on the rules players are most likely to encounter. The most difficult part will be if I can narrow down the rules enough to keep it to just 4 hours.
While it is not unusual for me to conduct some clinics, this year is even more important with the new rules changes for 2008. I had to prepare myself for teaching by attending the USGA/PGA Rules of Golf Workshop in Phoenix back in January. I know, I know, it was a difficult assignment being in Arizona in 72 degree sunshine with the temps struggling to get above 0 here, but I managed! I must have paid attention well enough as I scored a 99 on the "test", missing only one question that I had marked correct intially only to change my answer.
Next seminars on my schedule, MSHSL clinics at Eastview HS on 3/13, and then clinics on 3/17 @ St. Cloud, 3/18 @ Marshall and 3/19 @ Hibbing. Wave if I pass you on the road!
Start studying those rules for the tournament season!
Until next time-