Well, in keeping with the language of the time when I was a teenager -- I'm psyched!!
On Thursday, I received an e-mail from the USGA's Jeff Hall asking me to be a part of the Rules Committee for this year's US Women's Open at Interlachen CC! This is something I have been hoping to do for many years and now it is right in front of me. However, after the initial euphoria, it occurred to me I had a conflict that might keep me from serving.
The 30th MGA Players' Championship, set for Duluth's Northland Country Club (one of my favorite courses in the state), will conclude on the first day of the Women's Open. Since it is one of our majors, it is my tournament to oversee, and I need to be there until the very end. Then, I will have to bring back all of our equipment, including the scoreboard, that evening. The best I can do will be to start on Friday. Of course, my responsibility is to our tournament program, and if that meant missing out on the opportunity, well so be it. What was I to do?
I called Jeff's office on Friday to thank him for the offer and to explain the problem. While he wasn't in, his assistant Amy kindly listened and offered to pass along my appreciation and excitement for the invitation. I fully expected her to say thanks for the notice, maybe next year. But, much to my joy, I received an e-mail from Amy that afternoon saying they are comfortable with me starting on Friday, so I'm IN!!
In the world of being a Rules Official for golf, to have the opportunity to officiate at one of golf's majors is a tremendous thrill and honor. I hope I'm up for it. I'll have to talk to the MGA's own Lisa Overom for pointers as she has officiated at both the Women's and Men's Opens the past few years. This makes all of the USGA/PGA Rules of Golf Workshops I have attended in the past well worth the effort!
Until next time-