Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another Perfect Day in Paradise - thanks to Jake Schmitz & Staff!

Championship Thursday, Olympic Hills GC

Today dawned with no threat of rain, storms, lightning, or delays -- only a forecast of sun and 77*! A feat after the past two days of play.

Congratulations to Superintendent Jake Schmitz and his outstanding staff for the efforts they have put forth preparing the course daily and dealing with the bad weather. Olympic Hills was in great condition despite a difficult winter.

A superintendent's job is tireless and (almost) thankless. Of course, he gets blamed for the poor conditions, much of which is out of his control. Mother nature will do what it wants to do despite all of a superintendent's efforts. It is the "super's" job to accurately predict and plan for the weather - even months in advance. And, even though meteorologists keep their jobs with a less than stellar accuracy, and major league hitters enter the Hall of Fame when batting over .300, a superintendent must be accurate virtually all of the time to keep his/her job.

Midway through the Championship Matches, Robert Leaf holds a 3-up lead over Gary Thalhuber in the Senior Players' Championship, and Erik Christopherson holds a 2-up lead over Andy Jacobson in the Mid-Players' Championship.

Until next time-

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Dateline: 5:00 pm, Wednesday, June 15, 2011 @ Olympic Hills Golf Club

12th MGA Senior Players' & 5th MGA Mid-Players' Championships

We are currently in our second rain delay of the day and third of the championship. Yesterday came to an abrupt halt at 4:42 pm when storms moved in. Even waiting until 6:00 pm didn't make the bad weather go away. So, we arrived this morning with the intent to start the matches that had not finished at 7:00 am and the second round matches at 7:30 am.

However, after meeting with Jake Schmitz, Golf Course Superintendent, he informed me it would be at least a two hour delay due to casual water on greens. Unfortunately, that became four hours after the rain didn't stop until nearly 10 am. We were able to play for over five hours, completing all second and third round matches. In fact, we had one Senior semifinal match reach the 7th hole and a Mid-Players' match get two holes in prior to us suspending play at 4:10 pm. Now we sit and wait.

So what does the MGA staff do during such delays? Eating is a favorite activity, but Alyssa Wiebusch, our USGA P.J. Boatwright Jr Intern, has introduced Cribbage as an activity. Of course, we answer the obligatory questions about what the weather is going to do. I believe with my knowledge, gained from watching my share of storms in MN, FL and TX, I could do reasonably well in forecasting. I wonder if the AMS (American Meteorological Society) will give me accreditation without the degree?

Just like with the Twins this year, there are some years weather is not a factor, there are other years where we have more than our share of "doubleheaders". You learn to be patient and that there is nothing you can do to control the weather.

At least the forecast for tomorrow is for sunny and warm -- one can only hope!

Until next time-