As you can see with the first picture, we've already had 3" of snow (Oct 12) that stopped my playing Hazeltine in the Trans-Miss Foursomes fundraiser. At least I was able to get out there a week later and enjoy it (from only 6700+yards). It was still in great shape. I'm excited as we will be using it for the US Open Local Qualifying next May. Darn the luck, I'll have to go out and check it out as well as set it up. I's a tough job but someone has to do it!

Since my tournament season ended, my job has become an indoor job. I've spent a lot of time on securing sites for the future. While we have some great clubs willing to host, it still takes time. It's great to be able to give our players some of the best courses in MN for our events.
I'm off to Texas in a week for the IAGA Annual Conference at the Marriott Waterway in the Woodlands (Houston). My plans are for three rounds of golf on the trip - one in north Dallas while I'm visiting my mother, one at the Carlton Woods in Houston the day we arrive, and the third during the conference. I hope the weather is good as they may be the last golf of the year for me.
Until next time-