For those of us here in the frozen North, this week is something we all long for - the beginning of the golf season. True, it's not us playing, but watching the likes of Anthony, Davis, Ernie, and Camilo in Hawaii give us hope that our season will (eventually) be here. Those poor people who live in Florida and Arizona cannot appreciate this moment!
As a teenager growing up in East Texas, I anxiously awaited the ABC broadcast from Waialae CC with Chris Schenkel and Byron Nelson every January. Chris, Byron and the other announcers were my friends and how I missed hearing them the previous three months. Even in Texas, football season was simply something to keep me occupied until golf season came around. Of course, I had the single (45 record) of Barry White's Love Theme. I used to sit in the dark and play that over and over, imagining my name being on the leaderboard as the telecast came on the air. (Unfortunately, this has yet to come to pass.)
Here at the MGA, things are starting to take on a little more importance. No longer is it "next year." The need to get projects done have higher priority with deadlines looming. One of the those projects is an area on our website designed for our volunteers - where they can sign up to work tournaments and download all of the relevant information for the events they are scheduled to work. Remember to check the website often to stay up with the
I look forward to spending more time with you via this blog this year. I'll try to keep you informed, and entertained, with my writings. Pass it along if you know someone who would be interested in getting it.
Until next time -